Advantages of the project

Lis Lake


Prestigious schools

Supermarkets and Pharmacy


Entertainment and event spaces

Lisi Panorama

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Lisi Panorama

“Lisi Panorama,” is located in the area of Lisi Lake, just 15 minutes from the center of Tbilisi. The project is situated in a beautiful natural setting, offering views of the forest and the city, and it comprises 44 individual plots of land. Each plot is designated for residential use, allowing the owner to collaborate on the design of an individual residential house and commence construction in the shortest possible time, as the development plan has already been approved for each plot of land.

Electricity, gas, water, roads, and sewage will be connected to each plot. Additionally, the project includes parking spaces, stadium, footpaths, and commercial spaces. Prestigious schools, supermarkets, pharmacies, clinics, entertainment and event spaces, and a hippodrome are located near the project area.

One of the main advantages of the project is its location. Despite being only a 15-minute drive from the center of the capital, Lisi Panorama offers a tranquil environment separate from the chaotic city life. Here, life and recreation is combined. In Lisi Panorama, landowners can build their own private houses, live peacefully away from the city, and have all the necessary facilities and infrastructure within easy reach for an ideal and complete daily life.

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